Available to play
right now on your phone
If you are a time-management game fan, I recommend you click on the buttons below to go to the App Store that is for your phone and download my games. They are a "ton" of fun!
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Let's make
fun games together

Mobile game is a wonderful way to bring a message across or educate a player if done right. A player can be totally immersed and engaged in an activity right in the palm of their hands. Schools or organisations can create a compelling game that can continually train and educate every time they pick up their mobile device to play the game that they love.

The games that I have created have been downloaded in the hundreds of thousands without much marketing dollar behind it. I know how to create games that are compelling and fun.

If you are looking to develop an engaging and fun game, I recommend that you go with a developer that has a good track record in creating games that are really engaging and fun. Check their games on the App Store and see how many downloads their games have and their reviews. No fluff.

if you'd like to have a game project developed or would like my consultation, send me an email to schedule a meeting.

Right now, Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) is getting popular with the general public based on the popularity of games like Pokemon Go and Playstation VR.

AR and VR are still in their early days. However we can already see the eagerness of game developers in using these technologies to create very interesting games.

You can check out my development in AR games.
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If you need any game development, digital artwork or caricature art done let me know and I will help you out.
You can reach me via these social media platforms