
Double click on the ice_cream symbol to edit it.

Select all the 3 graphic symbols. Right click on them and select distribute to layers.

It will be neater this way when 3 the components of the ice cream is separated into their own layers.

Rename the top layer as actionscript and add a stop(); to frame 1 of that layer.

Now make a new frame for all the layers.

Draw another set of topping, mid section and bottom section of the ice cream on the 2nd frame.

Add the same stop(); code on the actionscript layer.

Repeat this step for the 3rd frame.

Now that we have 3 frames, we are going to cycle through the 3 different ice cream design every day. Which means, on Monday the wallpaper will show frame 1, on Tuesday it will show frame 2 and so on.

You can also add more frames so that it will be just nice to have a different ice design for each of the 7 days in a week.

Next we will add in the code that will make this possible.

Hang on for part 4!


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