Hard Disk Hunting! Wednesday 8 June '06
07/06/06 18:28 Filed in: Tokyo June
to fork out money to pay for electronic items
again....damn it. Well...i think i got a good deal.
160GB 7200rpm usb external HDD for 9980 Yen. That's
equivalent to about 140 SGD. Not too shabby.
Had dinner here before heading out to get the hard disk.

This is rice with tofu. Excellent. About 570 Yen if I can remember...paid for it using a vending machine system. Had to call the chef to help me and Sergio to find which menu is which button to press. Its all words and no pictures on the buttons.

Sergio had something nicer.
Had dinner here before heading out to get the hard disk.

This is rice with tofu. Excellent. About 570 Yen if I can remember...paid for it using a vending machine system. Had to call the chef to help me and Sergio to find which menu is which button to press. Its all words and no pictures on the buttons.

Sergio had something nicer.