Jan 2008
Think Fast Flash Lite game for your mobile phone FREE!
06/01/08 11:16 Filed in: Personal
I am pleased to announce a Flash Lite Game called
Think Fast and it is available for free!
Think Fast is a fun and challenging game that tests you on solving simple math calculations mentally.
It is recommended for all ages to play and enjoy. Not only will playing this game satisfy your desire to be the best in solving math calculations, it will also help to develop your skills in doing mental sums and improve your ability to calculate in your head REALLY FAST!
Try it out now!
1) sign up at www.playyoo.com (its free!) 2) Find the game Think Fast, set it as your favorite (so that it will be easier to find later) 3) use your mobile phone to browse to m.playyoo.com. From there, simply login using your mobile phone and choose the games in your favorites. Enjoy!
Please send all your comments. I sincerely need all your inputs so that I can better improve this game

Think Fast is a fun and challenging game that tests you on solving simple math calculations mentally.
It is recommended for all ages to play and enjoy. Not only will playing this game satisfy your desire to be the best in solving math calculations, it will also help to develop your skills in doing mental sums and improve your ability to calculate in your head REALLY FAST!
Try it out now!
1) sign up at www.playyoo.com (its free!) 2) Find the game Think Fast, set it as your favorite (so that it will be easier to find later) 3) use your mobile phone to browse to m.playyoo.com. From there, simply login using your mobile phone and choose the games in your favorites. Enjoy!
Please send all your comments. I sincerely need all your inputs so that I can better improve this game
