The law of Attraction
They talked about the Law of Attraction.
That movie had been an eye opener. I better understand now why you are always taught to be grateful, to show your gratitude everyday of your life and for everything that you have now. And if you wanted something, all you have to do is ask. And the thought that you hold in your mind must be really strong if you really want it.
Interestingly, I suddenly recalled my childhood and my life when I was much younger. The things that I wanted so bad, I held it in my mind for so long till I even believed that I actually had that thing in my possession already. And after some time, out of the blue, without any planning what so ever, that thing that I wanted so bad, just came to my life.
Law of Attraction. If you want it. Think it. Hold it in your thoughts. It will be attracted to you.
I just had to test to it out.
Had an interesting experience yesterday as I tried out the Law of Attraction in the presence of my friends Chong Peng and his wife.
Went for dinner at Tampines Mall. Damn long queue to enter the carpark. The carpark was obviously damn full. In my mind I don't wish to drive round and round to get a parking space. As we drove along after passing through the barrier, I asked CP to look out for green lights above the parking lots. Those green lights indicate empty lots.
None to be found. We drove on.
And there was no one walking around at the carpark to get to their car to leave the parking space. No one at all.
I told him this can't be. I want a lot that is in front of the passenger lift door. I call it The door.
In my mind I know where I want to park the car. I only want that place and I know I will get it. We drove there.
No parking space. And there was no one walking around at the carpark to get to their car still!
We waited.
2minutes later, a car drove out.
We got it.
My heart beat so fast.
2 minutes. That's not a very long time to wait, considering there was no car at all that moves out of the lots anywhere.
I was blown away. So were they.
It happened again today. Drove to the Serangoon garden hawker/food centre after our run.
From my experience, the carpark behind that hawker/food centre is always full. Cars are always queuing up.
Before going in to the carpark, in my mind I knew where I want to park. I want to park right at the opposite of the entrance of the food centre. I can picture it in my mind.
There was a queue. But I got the lot that I wanted almost immediately as a car in front of me moved away, and the car parked at the lot that I wanted drove out.
wait time: zero.
I got it.
I am so very thankful.
Coincidence? Pure luck? Maybe? If you're skeptical, I don't blame you.
As for me, I was blown away.
I will post more of this in the coming few days.
Back to running after 3 days break
Well, I ran again today. Fortunately the stamina is still maintained at the same level.
Need to run faster...
and faster I shall run.
Having fun with Animated Flash Lite wallpapers
Well I have since made some progress on getting it out to the world. Thanks to Flash Lite on mobile phones. And also because I've gotten the free Sony Ericsson K610im last year on X'mas eve.

What's so special about this animated wallpaper? Well I made it in such a way that it sort of "lives" in your phone. It sleeps, wakes up, go for jogs, work, go for lunch, have diner and watch TV! All these at different times of the day.
And also, I would like Fat Cat to be able to greet you early in the morning, with words of encouragement like "You look good today!" or "Achieve something great today!". And in the evening when the day is over, Fat Cat will ask "How was your day?" or "Tomorrow will be a better day".
Basically, I am creating animated wallpapers that is useful for people. That encourages and gives them motivation to get through the day with zest! We all need that.
For those of you who owns Sony Ericsson and Nokia phones with Flash Lite capabilities, you can check out the wallpaper which is available for free here:
If you don't know if your phone can play it, check the list of phones that can play flash files on the same site I have listed previously.
More of this kind of animated wallpapers to come!
5 days all to myself
Sounds sad don't you think? Haha...well.
Anyway, this 5 days will be stuck in my room doing work. Creating, planning, and overseeing something that has the potential to be bigger than I have ever experienced before.
To put it simply.
This past few weeks since December 2006, things has
been looking up. Remind myself to always be positive.
Listening to Rachmaninov Piano concerto No. 2 now as
I am typing. The beginning of the song gives me the
imagery of being in the open grasslands. As I slowly
I open my eyes filling in the darkness with the sun
rays creeping out from the horizon. The sun,
contemplating on whether to come out and surprise me.
The fresh morning breeze blowing on my face. And I
just stood there. Waiting.
I really enjoy listening to this piece. It gives me
that sense of emotional satisfaction. That calm,
soothing feel which I really need right now, to brush
aside the thoughts of lonesomeness.
Brush aside. That sounds like a temporary relief. I
never really address the "problem".
If addressing the "problem" leads to a bigger
problem. I think I'l be happier keeping it at bay for
the moment.
But still. Lonesomeness.
Fat Pengy — Fun Technology

Check out their website at What are they all about?
Having FUN anytime anywhere. Mobile.
They've come up with mobile games for Nokia series 60 phones.
Their first game out of the gate is Panic Mechanic. Interesting game. Fix the parts of the cars before the time runs out.

They are also working on fantastic Nokia handphone wallpapers that dynamically changes according to the time of the day.
If you have any of the Nokia series 60 phones be sure to download the trial version and play! If you like it, consider paying a small fee of USD 6.99 and you get to keep the game and play the full version.
Oh, and if you're big on iPod skins, they something for you in that area too! They got this cool application where you'll get to customize the designs of the iPod skin. All you have to do is mix and match the designs and submit your creation. You customized design will then be translated on a cross-stitched iPod skin!
Puff the magic dragon and reggae music!
Played "Puff the magic dragon" by Peter, Paul and Mary. Song was really old school. Back in 1963 actually. None of the students have heard of the song.
All of them thought the song sounded very kiddish, with dragons, kings and knights and all in the lyrics.
They were surprised when I told them that there was a controversy back then that the song was implicated to marijuana smoking, and was the song of the hippies back in the sixties.
Interestingly, Singapore banned the song in 1963! Hahahaha.
Played reggae music in class as well. "Ganja in my brain" by Sizzla. As well as introducing Bob Marley, Jamaica, rastafari and the usage of cannabis and marijuana.
Losing my wisdom...tooth!
Well I have to make an appointment very soon at Alexandra Hospital.
Under the weather but its finally over
But I'm so glad that the week's over and I'm spending time with my friends at Han River Table BBQ at Simei.
Good food, good companion, I couldn't be thankful enough.

Wearing out that knee
Well it is true that that my knee hurts after I ran long distance. But it usually recovers the next few days.
But because of that discussion during dinner at Merchant Court Hotel with the Panasonic hosts got me scared.
Will I wear out my knee joints too early? There was talk of knees hurting like hell when you get older once the lubrication under your knee cap disappears.
This reminds me Hyaluronic acid. Something I learnt back in school.
Quick check on wikipedia "Hyaluronan is also used to treat osteoarthritis of the knee"
Will it help if I take more sticky starches kind of food to promote the production of Hyaluronic acid? Don't know. But its worth a try.
Durians, glorious Durians!
I was a bit stumped when the car alarm couldn't work. So I took out the car key and unlocked the door. I expected the car alarm to go off. Strangely it didn't. I thought, hmmm must be the damn alarm showing some signs of protesting.
As everybody was getting into the car. I put in the key and try to turn on the engine. There was this incessant clicking sound.
Horror of horrors! The car battery's dead! How the heck am I going to revive it?
Luckily there were still some colleagues around, but none have the jump start cable. Damn it.
Good thing Another colleague who's husband is coming soon to fetch her has the necessary cables to help my jump start the car battery.
I'm so lucky that evening.
Well, that delayed us for a good 15 minutes. The time was already 645pm.
Drove out to fetch KCP's wife at Yishun.
Well the initial plan was to go for a steamboat dinner at Pasir Ris' Down Town East. Considering the time when we picked her up was close to 730pm, we decided to have dinner at Sakura at Yishun's North Point.
It was a good dinner. The food was excellent.
After dinner, KCP suggested feasting on durians.
Where could we get some?
Weishan suggested Serangoon, near Kovan. Bought 3 prickly durians for a total cost of close to $60!!!!
The durians had better be good man!
We went to KCP's place to have them durians.
Nice creamy durians. It was well worth it.