I was right! Repairing costs in Japan IS cheaper!
17/06/06 16:37 Filed in: Personal
I called up
Canon service center a few days ago to enquire
regarding the cost of repairing my canon ixus 400.
Previously I mentioned that it costs 9900Yen to get
it repaired in 7 days in Tokyo. That is about 140
Well my hunch was right. A good thing too that I called them up so that I don't have to be down there and sulk after hearing what they have to say about the price. The engineer on the other end of the line was happy to quote me an exact figure of how much was required of me to shell out the dough from my pocket. A cool 220 SGD. That's disgusting really. If only I had stayed a week longer in Japan I would have saved 70 SGD just for repairs! Argh!
Guess I'll wait till my next trip to Tokyo this December. I'll be going to Tokyo Disney Sea actually with my significant other (hopefully as planned) and yes I'll be there for 2 weeks. Just nice to give them repairing guys at the Canon Service center in Ginza (oh poshy Ginza) some time to give my camera a good whack to get it back into shape.
Disgusting really...to charge a man that much money just to get my camera fixed. Man....I could do so much with 70 SGD! Like give it to my favorite Charity for example just to name a few!
So for now I'm happy using my Canon DV cam as a digital camera for the time being. Bulky as it maybe compared to a compact camera, it serves its purpose. Took nice photographs in good light too, if you notice the photos in my Tokyo journal entries
Very pleased indeed.
This camera was bought back in 2003 before the CCD conked out weeks ago. It served me well and I wish to get it fixed. It is still in good condition. 8.5 out of 10 (due to some light metallic paint chipped off at the corners and the sides). Superb compact camera I can slip into my trouser pockets after I've taken a casual shot. Awesome camera.
Well my hunch was right. A good thing too that I called them up so that I don't have to be down there and sulk after hearing what they have to say about the price. The engineer on the other end of the line was happy to quote me an exact figure of how much was required of me to shell out the dough from my pocket. A cool 220 SGD. That's disgusting really. If only I had stayed a week longer in Japan I would have saved 70 SGD just for repairs! Argh!
Guess I'll wait till my next trip to Tokyo this December. I'll be going to Tokyo Disney Sea actually with my significant other (hopefully as planned) and yes I'll be there for 2 weeks. Just nice to give them repairing guys at the Canon Service center in Ginza (oh poshy Ginza) some time to give my camera a good whack to get it back into shape.
Disgusting really...to charge a man that much money just to get my camera fixed. Man....I could do so much with 70 SGD! Like give it to my favorite Charity for example just to name a few!
So for now I'm happy using my Canon DV cam as a digital camera for the time being. Bulky as it maybe compared to a compact camera, it serves its purpose. Took nice photographs in good light too, if you notice the photos in my Tokyo journal entries

Very pleased indeed.

This camera was bought back in 2003 before the CCD conked out weeks ago. It served me well and I wish to get it fixed. It is still in good condition. 8.5 out of 10 (due to some light metallic paint chipped off at the corners and the sides). Superb compact camera I can slip into my trouser pockets after I've taken a casual shot. Awesome camera.